2016: Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Mass Times

Celebrate Christmas at St. Joseph’s Church

We will celebrate Christmas mass this year at St. Joseph’s Church at the below times:

Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24th, 4pm

Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25th, 11am

St. Joseph’s Church is located on

No. 36 Sichuan South Road, Huangpu District 黄浦区四川南路36号近金陵东路)

Sunday Mass Resumes on Dec. 11th at St. Joseph’s Church

Sunday mass will resume at St. Joseph’s Church beginning Sunday, December 11th at 11am

 No. 36 Sichuan South Road, Huangpu District 黄浦区四川南路36号近金陵东路)

Sunday 11am


Please keep praying for SFX reopening and Fr. Lu’s health


Due to the recent heavy construction around St. Francis Xavier’s Church, all international masses are suspended.

English mass will be conducted in the following churches:

St. Ignatius Cathedral

158 Puxi Road, Xujiahui

Sunday 12pm

St. Peter’s Church

270 Chongqing S. Road

Saturday 5pm, Sunday 11am

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pudong

151 Hongfeng Road,Pudong

Saturday 5pm, Sunday 10:30am

Spanish mass will be conducted in the following church:

St. Joseph Church

No. 36 Sichuan South Road, Huangpu District 黄浦区四川南路36号近金陵东路)

Sunday 12:30pm


Please keep praying for SFX reopening and Fr. Lu’s health



016 Sep 5-7: Mary’s Secret To Holiness, The Shroud Of Turin, The Creative Hand Talks


Join us for a series of talks beginning 5th September to 7th September on The Shroud of Turin, The Creative Hand and, Mary’s Secret on Holiness.

About the speaker:

Fr Andrew Dalton is a Catholic priest of the Legionaries of Christ

In addition to his philosophy and theology degrees, he obtained a Diploma in Shroud studies at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, working in collaboration with the International Centre of Sindonology in Turin, and the Science and Faith Institute. Having specialized in Biblical theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, he currently lives in Romewhere he teaches Biblical Hebrew and the Synoptic Gospels.

To register, please click here: https://form.jotform.me/62417524655458

The Annunciation: Mary’s Secret to Holiness

Date: Monday, 5 Sept

Time: 10 am to 12:30pm

Venue: Sacred Heart of Jesus Church,

151 Hong Feng Lu, Pudong

Signs of Resurrection and the Shroud of Turin

The Shroud has been called the Fifth Gospel, but what does it actually reveal about the physical sufferings of the man? Has Shroud science discovered signs of Resurrection? How was this enigmatic image, which acts as a photonegative and encodes three-dimensional information, formed in the first place? Do these linen fibers contain the blood that was shed for our salvation?

Date: Tuesday, 6 Sept

Time: 10am to noon

Venue: St. Francis Xavier’s Church

185, Dongjiadu Lu

Date: Tues, 6 Sept

Time: 7pm to 9 pm

Venue: Sacred Heart of

Jesus Church

151 Hong Feng Lu, Pudong

Date: Wed, 7 Sept

Time: 7:30pm to 9pm

Venue: Our Lady of the Assumption

Catholic Church

Kele Lu just west of Hami Lu

The Creative Hand

The inspiration for this name comes from St. John Paul II’s Letter To Artists (1999) in which, “With loving regard, the divine Artist passes on to the human artists spark of his own surpassing wisdom, calling him to share in his creative power”.

Fr. Andrew Dalton, LC will talk about the evangelizing power of beauty, and afterwards present two masterpieces that are currently on exhibited in the Vatican Museum.

Date: Wed, 7 Sept

Time: 10am to 2pm (including lunch)

Venue: Sacred Heart of Jesus Church

151 Hong Feng Lu, Pudong



Fall 2016 RCIA Classes

RCIA Classes at St. Francis Xavier’s Church will begin on 20 August, if you are non-Catholic and want to find out about the Catholic faith, please come and join us and find out the beauty of our faith. For fellow Catholics, you are encouraged to invite your friends to learn about our faith. Please contact Imelda Lee at roseimelda@msn.com for any queries.

Time: 10:30am every Saturday

Address: St. Francis Xavier’s Church

Weekly Friday Eucharistic Adoration at SFX

Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of Love

“In the sacred Host, He is present, the true treasure, always waiting for us.

Only by adoring this Presence do we learn how to receive Him properly.”

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Volunteers are needed for the weekly adoration at SFX every Friday from 9:00 am to 8:00

pm. This is an excellent opportunity to experience the intimate conversation with Jesus.

Spare and commit an hour of your time to be with HIM, HE is waiting for you. To sign up,

please contact Kathleen Wong or Regina Phoa at SFXAdoration@outlook.com


What is Eucharistic Adoration?

Understood simply, Eucharistic Adoration is adoring or honoring the Eucharistic

Presence of Christ. In a deeper sense, it involves "the contemplation of the Mystery

of Christ truly present before us".

During Eucharistic Adoration, we "watch and wait", we remain "silent" in His

Presence and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist … By

worshiping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be! Like a

magnet, The Lord draws us to Himself and gently transforms us.

In its fullest essence … Eucharistic Adoration is "God and Man reaching out for each

other, at the same time!"


The Eucharist is: Jesus truly present – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity!

At the moment of Consecration, during the Mass, the "gifts" of bread and wine are

transformed (transubstantiated) into the actual Body and Blood of Christ, at the Altar.

This means that they are not only spiritually transformed, but rather are actually

(substantially) transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ. The elements retain

the appearance of bread and wine, but are indeed the actual Body and Blood of

Christ. This is what is meant by Real Presence: the actual, physical presence of

Jesus in the Eucharist.


“Jesus says, “I shall not leave you orphans. I shall come to you”. Jn 14:18. Christ

instituted this Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist in order to remain with mankind until

the end of time.



2016 World Youth Day in KRAKOW, POLAND

What is it?

Starting in 1985 in Rome by Pope John Paul II, the Holy Father has invited youth and young adults to gather periodically with him across the world in an epic event known as World Youth Day. Though the title indicates a “day,” it is really a week long life changing experience of the diversity and richness of the Catholic Church. Two summers ago, Pope Francis invited youth and young adults from across the world to the 14th World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland

When is it? 25th-31st July 2016

Who is invited? YOU!

WYD is open to all young people aged 16-35 who want to take part in a festive encounter with their contemporaries centered on Jesus Christ. This event is an opportunity to experience in first person the universality of the Church; to share with the whole world the hope of many young people who want to commit themselves to Christ and others. World Youth Day is a unique way to deepen your faith and grow closer to Christ, by means of music, prayer, celebrations and the sacraments, together with thousands of other young people who share your interests and ambitions.

What can you expect there?

The Central Youth Festival will take place during the afternoons and evenings of the three Catechesis days of WYD. In this part of the celebration, pilgrims will be able to enjoy a variety of concerts, exhibitions, workshops, sports events, theater, etc. In turn, many communities, congregations, and religious movements will take care of the spiritual aspect of the Youth Festival; the city and area churches, squares, parks, gardens, playgrounds, halls, sports stadiums, and cultural institutions will become meeting places for prayer and evangelization of groups from Poland and from around the world.

Campus Misericordiae (“Field of Mercy”) is the official name of the Vigil Site for World Youth Day 2016 where Pope Francis will meet with over two million young people from around the world. This site will host the Saturday night Vigil with the Holy Father and the Sunday morning Mass that together are the climax of World Youth Day.


If you are 16 or older and want to join up with the group representing Shanghai Catholics as a pilgrim for (international passport holders), please contact (Albus at albertpioq07@gmail.com or in Wechat at albuspioq07)

World Youth Day is an event that couldn’t exist without volunteers. If you are 18 (or will be 18 at the end of June 2016), and: You speak foreign languages, are open and communicate well, a quick learner, and above all you are driven by deep need to serve God and people, then…. APPLY @ http://www.krakow2016.com/en/become-a-volunteer

2016 April 24: Solidaridad con nuestros hermanos de Ecuador


2016 May 6-8: Jubilee Parish Mission at Sacred Heart of Jesus

Jubilee Year Retreat Online

Let’s serve our church!


St. Francis Xavier’s Church

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